How can Custom Cosmetic Boxes Preserve Aroma of Products?

Different types of packaging have different functions. Some are for transportation and storage, while others should attract the consumer and encourage the sale of the product. The Custom Cosmetic Boxes display packaging navigates between these features and today we are going to talk a little about it. Cosmetics Market and Packaging Design: Diversity and Growth USA is the largest consumer of cosmetics in the world, according to Euromonitor International. This implies a very large growth of this sector in our country, with the diversification of products and expansion of opportunities in design. So let's get to know a little about this sector and how it is very important for packaging design. Use of Custom Cosmetic Boxes to Display Packaging The Custom Cosmetic Boxes Display is widely used at the POS, especially for products that are offered for sale in locations close to the cash register. These products typically use the impulse buying technique. They must be clearly visible, clo...