How to know which Custom Packaging Boxes You Need


5 Steps to Reach Perfect Custom Packaging Boxes

The production of Custom Packaging Boxes is an important stage in the journey of a product from the manufacturer to the customer. And its "correctness" directly affects the success of sales.

Not sure how best to package your product? Here are 6 simple steps to help you figure out which packaging you need.


What nuances are important to understand?

What product we will put inside.

The choice of custom packaging directly depends on the physical properties of the product: it is loose tea, fragile glasses, or cakes that are easy to crush.

Decide on sizes and materials. When ordering packaging you need:
  • take into account the volume of products;

  • specify 3 parameters - length, width, and height.

The choice of material depends not only on how you want to see the package but also on the weight of the product. For example, heavy Custom Cardboard Boxes will work well for heavy items, while cellulosic Cardboard Boxes will work well for light products.

It makes sense to discuss the material in detail: to consult with a specialist in our printing house and see examples in the showroom.

How does the product reach the consumer?

The goods are delivered by mail or courier, they are stored in a warehouse or on shelves in a store - the shape and design of the box depend on this.

For example, you cannot mail a ceramic mug in an ordinary triangular box and it is irrational to put a transistor for a few dollars in a premium package.

All the nuances: delivery, display of goods, and the way through which the goods reach the buyer, only you know. Be sure to convey them to the employees of our printing house.


There are two options for the development of events:

  • Standard.

You can use a ready-made stamp that is available in the printing house. We have over 1000 options for cutting various designs;

  • Non-standard.

If you are looking for fresh ideas and are ready to experiment, our constructor will help you to make a special box design, which is not yet available on the commercial custom packaging market.

You don't want to let go of unusual packaging, and as a result, the product is remembered for a long time by the buyer.

The packaging design also depends on the weight of the product. The product placed in the box must not fall out, sag, or squeeze the material during transportation.


If you are still deciding which is better: use your preferences or make a successful synthesis of your tastes and the work of our designers, look at the numbers? According to research results, attractive packaging increases interest in a product by up to 60% and increases sales by 5-10%.

The appearance of the packaging is an additional advertisement for your product. Therefore, it is important to develop a custom packaging design that effectively showcases your product.


This way we can test the packaging and check that:
  • nothing got in the way and did not fall out,

  • The box fit and closed correctly.

Then experts will be able to create packaging that is ideal for your product.


Typical mistakes that are often made when choosing to package:
  1. They rely only on their own taste, without taking into account the needs of the target audience, the specifics of the market, and the position of competitors.

  2. They don't pay attention to technical issues.

  3. Blindly follow trends and imitate competitors.

  4. Chosen based on the lowest price, sacrificing the reliability of the packaging printer.

Try to find a balance between the packaging you like on the Internet and the cost of your product. For example, you don't have to put a cotton nightie in an expensive box of ribbons.


Still not sure what the future Custom Packaging with Logo should look like? Come to the Silver Edge Packaging, consult with our designer and experts, and then you will definitely make the right choice.


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