4 Packaging Mistakes that Can be Easily Avoided Before Shipping

Small mistakes usually go unnoticed, regardless of the size of the Custom Beverages Boxes. The problem is not one small mistake, but its accumulation. This quickly creates a big problem. Let's take a look at the packaging and shipping. Corresponding mistakes can quickly raise packaging and shipping costs to unimaginable heights. To help you, we've compiled four common mistakes for you in this post. By taking our advice to heart, packaging errors can be avoided or corrected later.

Beverages Boxes Mistake 1. You forget to check the buyer's address.

The growing digitization and automation of Beverages Packaging Boxes processes have more than advantages. One of the disadvantages of this design is that the operation of the machines is often subject to less control. Let's take the topic of label printing. Even small mistakes, such as incorrect address data when creating shipping labels, go a long way.

Error 2: There are deviations in weighing or measuring in boxing

Saving time is always important in online and mail order business. It is not only about simple process optimization, but also about active customer loyalty. Only if your customers get the delivery they want quickly and without delay will they ultimately be truly satisfied. However, in a hurry, this or that mistake can quickly occur.

If your employees are in a bit of a rush, those work phases that require high concentration suffer the most. This often includes measuring or weighing Customer Beverage Boxes orders. However, what may seem a little out of place can quickly lead to increased costs for your business. Wrong measurements are always annoying.

Mistake 3: you are not planning a Custom Beverages Boxes refund

It goes without saying that no online store likes returns. If your Beverage Boxes are returned, your customer is not happy. The product was defective or did not meet quality requirements. In today's online trading world, refunds are normal.

Simplify the grievance process for you and your team, and for the client. You can reduce unnecessary costs, for example, for a delivery service provider, as well as the time it takes to file complaints with your employees. The buyer does not have the opportunity to inspect and test the product in the store, so unexpected damage in transit can always occur.

Mistake 4: you don't learn from packaging mistakes

If you don't learn from your Custom Printed Beverages Boxes mistakes, you will inevitably repeat them. The most important mistake that we find over and over from our customers in the mail is the accumulation of mistakes that can be avoided. In many cases, retailers are aware of the problem but shy away from doing the actual fix.

As a consequence, the same problems recur over and over again and the company can quickly suffer serious damage. Therefore, we can only tell you over and over that you are learning from your mistakes. Don't make problems a habit in your company. Even if it makes it easier to just keep going, you will benefit from strategic changes over the long term.

 There are often even good reasons why errors are ignored by managers. It seems too much effort to implement a new methodology, invest in new technologies, or hire additional staff. However, here you have to offset the costs once.


Packaging and shipping errors can be very expensive, but avoiding them shouldn't cost you exorbitant money. Always stay a few steps ahead of your mistakes by regularly reviewing your work. Here you can find the places where mistakes are more likely and make them easier. Regular feedback from your employees can also help you run a healthy business and save money.


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