Should you buy Cardboard Mailer Boxes with a Logo?

Brand logo cartons are used to package a variety of products. Watches, jewelry, leather goods, shoes, evening dresses, cosmetics, furniture, household appliances, cookies and sweets, placed in a box made of thick paper with corporate symbols, are popular among customers. Custom mailer boxes packaging testifies to the prestige of the product, its good quality and the manufacturer's special attitude to quality.

Why are Cardboard Products so Popular?

In terms of their protective and aesthetic properties, cardboard boxes are many times superior to many packaging materials. They are:

  • environmentally friendly;

  • durable (wood chips, cellulose and waste paper are used in the manufacture);

  • keep their shape perfectly and can be made in almost any configuration;

  • have low weight, and also provide convenience during transportation and storage;

  • Aesthetically pleasing.

Cardboard Mailer Boxes with a Logo

The logo printed on the cardboard makes the packaging original and increases brand awareness. The materials used in the production reliably protect the contents of the package, forming sufficient rigidity and resistance to mechanical damage.

Another indisputable advantage of cardboard mailer boxes is their low cost. The availability of the material and the minimum costs in its production contribute to the fact that many marketers choose exactly cardboard packaging.

Types of cardboard boxes

Each version of cardboard packaging is selected taking into account the product and the type of container. For example, for the transportation of heavy and bulky cargo, a strong corrugated cardboard in 7 layers is best suited, and for the safety of fragile items - a corrugation with increased waveform.

Manufacturing materials:

  • traditional cardboard;

  • micro corrugated board;

  • design paper;

  • interlaced cardboard;

  • chrome ersatz;

  • and some others.

In order to save consumables, the logo is applied to the cardboard container in one color. For gift wrapping or buyer's packaging, the customer makes more demands on the quality and aesthetic appeal of the printed image.

Printing on cardboard boxes

The application of a trademark, slogan, brand character and corporate colors to the packaging cardboard mailer boxes material allows you to immediately carry out an advertising campaign.

The customer chooses:

  • surface type - matte or glossy;

  • the color of the trademark printing - color or monochrome;

  • printing method;

  • maximum coverage area;

  • additional design techniques.

The logo can be applied to all sides of the structure, but more often it is used on 1 or 2 sides of the box. If you need an urgent order and a small print run from 1 to 1000 units, they resort to digital printing. Offset printing is better suited for images with a lot of small details and interesting colors (for example, with a metallic effect).

Embossed Cardboard Mailer Boxes

Relief embossing with a relief logo is relevant for the customer's packaging, and foil embossing will allow you to achieve a pronounced metallized drawing of the trademark.


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