What are the properties of Custom Kraft Boxes?

Custom Cardboard Boxes are still the most widely used type of packaging in all industries for their logistics, warehouse, and transportation processes. The custom kraft boxes are very strong and resistant, so you can load products of considerable weight without breaking them. In addition, cardboard is a biodegradable and ecological material.

Characteristics of kraft cardboard boxes

Kraft cardboard, which we also know as kraft cardboard, is the main source of raw material for the manufacture of all types of packaging that we frequently use in logistics processes. This material intervenes in most industries worldwide, thanks to its versatility and low costs.

This cardboard differs by the type of paper with which it is made. Cellulose is the main component to make cardboard. However, it can come from three different sources. In the first place, we can obtain it from wood, in which case we are talking about virgin fiber, which is more resistant.

Are custom kraft boxes recyclable?

Second, recycled paper can also be a source of pulp to make new paper. In this case, the paper is less resistant.

And in third place, we have the cellulose obtained from vegetable fibers. Depending on the strength of the paper, it is intended for one use or another.

The most common custom kraft boxes for packaging are made up of three layers of kraft paper; that is, premium quality paper from virgin fiber. The two outer layers are made up of smooth paper, while a layer of kraft paper is placed in the middle, which is what gives the packaging greater strength and structure. As the double layer kraft cardboard, it contains two layers of kraft paper inside, separated by an extra layer of smooth paper.

Kraft cardboard in logistics

As we have already said, custom kraft boxes are the preferred packaging for countless industries, due to the many advantages that this material offers us for logistics functions.

It is a very cheap and accessible material for any company. Making a kraft cardboard roll is a fairly straightforward process, which is noticeable in the cost of the finished product.

What type of material is kraft?

On the other hand, it is a light material, which adds little weight to the load we carry inside. It is quite flexible so that with a roll of kraft cardboard we can perfectly wrap our shipments. Another very common use that is usually given to the kraft cardboard roll is to place it between the products to serve as a support while offering them extra protection.

The resistance of custom kraft boxes is very good, so much so that we could even make furniture with this material. Thanks to the geometry of the boxes, they can support loads of up to 800 kilos.

What is the absorbing capacity of custom kraft boxes?

The custom kraft boxes absorb well the impacts that come from blows thanks to the air that it has inside the layer of kraft paper. That is why it is ideal for protecting fragile objects. In addition, due to its enormous versatility, it is possible to manufacture custom printed boxes of any shape and size, a very useful feature for different types of products.

It is a friendly material to the environment, renewable and biodegradable. And it is ideal to personalize it, since on its exterior we can print logos, specifications, advertising, etc.


Due to all these characteristics, cardboard continues to be essential material for the logistics of almost any company. For kraft cardboard to buy, remember that it is essential to make sure that it is made with kraft paper, which guarantees the quality and resistance of our cardboard packaging boxes.


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