Are Corrugated Custom Kraft Boxes Biodegradable and Compostable?

Is corrugated cardboard biodegradable and compostable? This is one of the questions that many customers ask several times. And we think this is the time to answer it.

We know that you are always concerned about sustainability, and that is why, as far as possible, you bet on eco-friendly packaging that is respectful of the environment. What happens is that it is not always clear to what extent each material is or is not.

So that you can definitely get rid of doubts, we bring you the conclusions and approaches taken from an important study.

Difference between compostable and biodegradable

Just to quickly clarify the concepts, it is convenient to do a brief review about what each of them is and the ecological implication they have.

First of all, we are talking about biodegradable materials, which are those that can decompose into the chemical elements that make them up thanks to the different biological agents (fauna, flora, microorganisms, and meteorology).

The compostable materials go one step further

Of course, they are biodegradable, since, as the word itself indicates, they are degraded by the action of biological agents. But the important thing is that those of this type do it at the same speed as other types of organic matter.

Thanks to this equalization, they can be transformed into a resource as valuable as compost and, at the same time, they will greatly reduce the level of waste that we generate.

Even so, remember that, as far as possible, there is no more eco-friendly packaging than that which can be reused and recycled (which corrugated cardboard always guarantees).

So… is a custom kraft box biodegradable and compostable?

Well, we got to the big question. In principle, to solve it, it is necessary to carry out an individualized test that analyzes each of the components to, in this way, certify that they comply with the demanding standard.

The reality is that this is not entirely operational. In most Kraft Packaging Boxes, there are several common elements, which are paper, glue, and starch. Something that also happens with those who end up using corrugated cardboard (printed, glued, and even waxed).

This is why, following the FEFCO guidelines and in light of the report commissioned by this entity, we can affirm that kraft boxes are biodegradable and compostable.

This can be certified as long as no additional elements are added to those that we have listed in the previous point - such as plastics, laminates, and other substances with chemical components that do not inherently have that ability to decompose and degrade. 

.Results and Impacts of the Kraft Boxes Decomposition

Beyond these general conclusions, it is worth delving a little deeper into the methodology and seeing the concrete data that emerges from the study carried out by the prestigious USA institution.

Initially, they took 58 independent studies as a reference, which were filtered until they were left with the 9 that offered the most reliable and confrontational information.

Degree of decomposition of corrugated cardboard

The idea was to be able to determine the degree of decomposition of corrugated cardboard by itself and compared it to other materials. The numbers are as follows:

  • Corrugated cardboard: 54.4% degree of decomposition

  • Standard office paper: 54.6% degree of decomposition

  • Coated or coated paper: degree of decomposition 39.2%

  • Newsprint: degree of decomposition of 32.1%

As you can see, corrugated cardboard biodegrades at the same rate as the paper commonly used in offices, and at a much higher rate than that of magazines and newspapers.

In any case, and to be fully objective, we must say that efficiency will always depend on the conditions in which the process takes place.

Suitability level of Kraft Boxes 

Even waxed custom kraft boxes have more than proven themselves to be an excellent raw material once composted. A process that is also really easy and efficient.

We can say, based on this information, that kraft boxes are an ideal material from a sustainability point of view. With this, we solve the question that you have asked us so many times and that we love that it is like this: in the end, this shows an implication on the part of all in the search for a more ecological present and future.


Therefore, we can only recommend to our customers that they continue to use, reuse and recycle their cardboard Custom Kraft Boxes. But, when these reach the end of their useful life, do not hesitate to use them as compost, minimizing our environmental impact as much as possible.


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